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The Hoey Group

3.7 (3)

1104 Far Hills Ave, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 684-2049

Roofing contractor
Bathroom remodeler
Fire damage restoration service
Kitchen remodeler
General contractor


  • Wheelchair accessible parking lot


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Clay Malayter


Called Harry on 11/16 to to repair a leak in our roof. We choose him because he lives in the neighborhood. The leak is still still there on 12/7 and we are having a different company remove this work and complete the repairs. We were charged over $700 for this work to be done. Most of what is visible was done on the second visit because the first visit saw no change in the amount of water pouring from our kitchen ceiling. Harry wanted an additional $1600 to make more advanced repairs. Alternate roofing company is quoting the same work in Harry’s $1600 quote for $800. I asked for photos of the work done before the second repair on two occasions. Harry did not provide any. When we got Enterprise to come out, they were clearly disappointed with what they found up there, which prompted me to get a ladder and check. The photos are attached.

Opening Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 12 AM-12 PM
Wednesday 9 AM-5 PM
Thursday 9 AM-5 PM
Friday 9 AM-5 PM
Saturday 9 AM-5 PM
Sunday Closed

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