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The population data presented herein is derived from information available on Wikipedia.

333 cities

- New York NY 8,335,897

- Los Angeles CA 3,822,238

- Chicago IL 2,665,039

- Houston TX 2,302,878

- Phoenix AZ 1,644,409

- Philadelphia PA 1,567,258

- San Antonio TX 1,472,909

- San Diego CA 1,381,162

- Dallas TX 1,299,544

- Austin TX 974,447

- Jacksonville FL 971,319

- San Jose CA 971,233

- Fort Worth TX 956,709

- Columbus OH 907,971

- Charlotte NC 897,720

- Indianapolis IN 880,621

- San Francisco CA 808,437

- Seattle WA 749,256

- Denver CO 713,252

- Oklahoma City OK 694,800

- Nashville TN 683,622

- El Paso TX 677,456

- Washington DC 671,803

- Las Vegas NV 656,274

- Boston MA 650,706

- Portland OR 635,067

- Louisville KY 624,444

- Memphis TN 621,056

- Detroit MI 620,376

- Baltimore MD 569,931

- Milwaukee WI 563,305

- Albuquerque NM 561,008

- Tucson AZ 546,574

- Fresno CA 545,567

- Sacramento CA 528,001

- Mesa AZ 512,498

- Kansas City MO 509,297

- Atlanta GA 499,127

- Colorado Springs CO 486,248

- Omaha NE 485,153

- Raleigh NC 476,587

- Virginia Beach VA 455,618

- Long Beach CA 451,307

- Miami FL 449,514

- Oakland CA 430,553

- Minneapolis MN 425,096

- Tulsa OK 411,867

- Bakersfield CA 410,647

- Tampa FL 398,173

- Wichita KS 396,192

- Arlington TX 394,602

- Aurora CO 393,537

- New Orleans LA 369,749

- Cleveland OH 361,607

- Anaheim CA 344,461

- Honolulu HI 343,421

- Henderson NV 331,415

- Stockton CA 321,819

- Riverside CA 320,764

- Lexington KY 320,347

- Corpus Christi TX 316,239

- Orlando FL 316,081

- Irvine CA 313,685

- Cincinnati OH 309,513

- Santa Ana CA 308,189

- Newark NJ 305,344

- Saint Paul MN 303,176

- Pittsburgh PA 302,898

- Greensboro NC 301,115

- Lincoln NE 292,627

- Durham NC 291,928

- Plano TX 289,547

- Anchorage AK 287,145

- Jersey City NJ 286,670

- Saint Louis MO 286,578

- Chandler AZ 280,711

- North Las Vegas NV 280,543

- Chula Vista CA 279,170

- Buffalo NY 276,486

- Gilbert AZ 275,346

- Reno NV 273,448

- Madison WI 272,903

- Fort Wayne IN 267,927

- Toledo OH 266,301

- Lubbock TX 263,930

- Saint Petersburg FL 261,256

- Laredo TX 256,187

- Irving TX 254,715

- Chesapeake VA 252,488

- Glendale AZ 252,136

- Winston-Salem NC 251,350

- Scottsdale AZ 243,050

- Garland TX 240,854

- Boise ID 236,634

- Norfolk VA 232,995

- Port Saint Lucie FL 231,790

- Spokane WA 230,160

- Richmond VA 229,395

- Fremont CA 223,871

- Huntsville AL 221,933

- Tacoma WA 221,776

- Baton Rouge LA 221,453

- Santa Clarita CA 221,345

- San Bernardino CA 220,328

- Hialeah FL 220,292

- Frisco TX 219,587

- Modesto CA 218,069

- Cape Coral FL 216,992

- Fontana CA 212,475

- Moreno Valley CA 211,924

- Des Moines IA 211,034

- Rochester NY 209,352

- Fayetteville NC 208,873

- Yonkers NY 208,121

- McKinney TX 207,507

- Worcester MA 205,319

- Salt Lake City UT 204,657

- Little Rock AR 202,864

- Columbus GA 202,616

- Augusta GA 202,096

- Sioux Falls SD 202,078

- Grand Prairie TX 201,843

- Tallahassee FL 201,731

- Amarillo TX 201,291

- Oxnard CA 200,415

- Peoria AZ 197,866

- Overland Park KS 197,726

- Montgomery AL 196,986

- Birmingham AL 196,910

- Grand Rapids MI 196,908

- Knoxville TN 195,889

- Vancouver WA 194,512

- Huntington Beach CA 194,310

- Providence RI 189,563

- Brownsville TX 189,382

- Glendale CA 189,221

- Akron OH 188,509

- Tempe AZ 185,950

- Newport News VA 184,306

- Chattanooga TN 184,086

- Mobile AL 183,289

- Fort Lauderdale FL 183,146

- Cary NC 180,388

- Shreveport LA 180,153

- Ontario CA 179,061

- Eugene OR 177,923

- Aurora IL 177,866

- Elk Grove CA 177,558

- Salem OR 177,487

- Santa Rosa CA 177,181

- Clarksville TN 176,974

- Rancho Cucamonga CA 176,336

- Oceanside CA 172,199

- Springfield MO 170,067

- Pembroke Pines FL 169,876

- Garden Grove CA 169,254

- Fort Collins CO 169,249

- Lancaster CA 169,185

- Palmdale CA 163,463

- Murfreesboro TN 162,398

- Salinas CA 161,020

- Corona CA 159,567

- Killeen TX 159,172

- Hayward CA 156,754

- Paterson NJ 156,661

- Macon GA 156,197

- Lakewood CO 156,120

- Alexandria VA 155,525

- Roseville CA 154,817

- Surprise AZ 154,198

- Springfield MA 154,064

- Charleston SC 153,672

- Kansas City KS 153,345

- Sunnyvale CA 153,091

- Bellevue WA 152,767

- Hollywood FL 152,650

- Denton TX 150,353

- Escondido CA 150,270

- Joliet IL 150,033

- Naperville IL 149,936

- Bridgeport CT 148,377

- Savannah GA 148,004

- Mesquite TX 147,899

- Pasadena TX 147,662

- Rockford IL 146,713

- Pomona CA 146,017

- Jackson MS 145,995

- Olathe KS 145,616

- Gainesville FL 145,214

- McAllen TX 144,579

- Syracuse NY 144,451

- Waco TX 143,984

- Visalia CA 143,966

- Thornton CO 143,282

- Torrance CA 141,126

- Fullerton CA 140,541

- Columbia SC 139,698

- Lakewood NJ 139,506

- New Haven CT 138,915

- Hampton VA 138,037

- Miramar FL 137,228

- Victorville CA 137,221

- Warren MI 137,107

- West Valley City UT 136,650

- Cedar Rapids IA 136,429

- Stamford CT 136,188

- Orange CA 136,178

- Dayton OH 135,944

- Midland TX 134,444

- Kent WA 134,392

- Elizabeth NJ 134,283

- Pasadena CA 134,211

- Carrollton TX 133,820

- Coral Springs FL 133,369

- Sterling Heights MI 132,567

- Fargo ND 131,444

- Lewisville TX 131,215

- Meridian ID 129,736

- Norman OK 129,627

- Palm Bay FL 129,234

- Athens GA 128,561

- Columbia MO 128,555

- Abilene TX 127,385

- Pearland TX 126,949

- Santa Clara CA 126,930

- Round Rock TX 126,697

- Topeka KS 125,449

- Allentown PA 125,094

- Clovis CA 124,556

- Simi Valley CA 124,398

- College Station TX 124,319

- Thousand Oaks CA 124,265

- Vallejo CA 123,564

- Concord CA 122,625

- Rochester MN 121,878

- Arvada CO 121,581

- Lafayette LA 121,389

- Independence MO 121,202

- West Palm Beach FL 120,932

- Hartford CT 120,686

- Wilmington NC 120,324

- Lakeland FL 120,071

- Billings MT 119,960

- Ann Arbor MI 119,875

- Fairfield CA 119,338

- Berkeley CA 118,950

- Richardson TX 118,802

- North Charleston SC 118,608

- Cambridge MA 118,488

- Broken Arrow OK 117,911

- Clearwater FL 117,027

- West Jordan UT 116,664

- Evansville IN 115,749

- League City TX 115,418

- Antioch CA 115,264

- Manchester NH 115,141

- High Point NC 115,067

- Waterbury CT 115,016

- Westminster CO 114,533

- Richmond CA 114,301

- Carlsbad CA 114,160

- Las Cruces NM 113,888

- Murrieta CA 113,783

- Lowell MA 113,608

- Provo UT 113,523

- Springfield IL 113,273

- Elgin IL 113,177

- Odessa TX 112,906

- Lansing MI 112,537

- Pompano Beach FL 112,302

- Beaumont TX 112,089

- Temecula CA 111,752

- Gresham OR 111,621

- Allen TX 111,551

- Pueblo CO 111,456

- Everett WA 111,337

- South Fulton GA 111,158

- Peoria IL 111,021

- Nampa ID 110,951

- Tuscaloosa AL 110,602

- Miami Gardens FL 110,497

- Santa Maria CA 110,125

- Downey CA 109,934

- Concord NC 109,896

- Ventura CA 109,527

- Costa Mesa CA 109,521

- Sugar Land TX 109,414

- Menifee CA 109,399

- Tyler TX 109,286

- Sparks NV 109,226

- Greeley CO 109,209

- Rio Rancho NM 108,082

- Sandy Springs GA 107,763

- Dearborn MI 107,710

- Jurupa Valley CA 107,609

- Edison NJ 107,361

- Spokane Valley WA 107,325

- Hillsboro OR 107,299

- Davie FL 106,513

- Green Bay WI 106,095

- Centennial CO 105,865

- Buckeye AZ 105,567

- Boulder CO 105,485

- Goodyear AZ 105,406

- El Monte CA 105,312

- West Covina CA 105,013

- Brockton MA 104,826

- New Braunfels TX 104,707

- El Cajon CA 104,414

- Edinburg TX 104,294

- Renton WA 104,047

- Burbank CA 103,920

- Inglewood CA 103,621

- Rialto CA 103,545

- Lee's Summit MO 103,465

- Bend OR 103,254

- Woodbridge NJ 103,229

- South Bend IN 103,110

- Wichita Falls TX 102,664

- Saint George UT 102,519

- Fishers IN 101,966

- Carmel IN 101,964

- Vacaville CA 101,918

- Quincy MA 101,727

- Conroe TX 101,405

- Chico CA 101,299

- San Mateo CA 100,984

- Lynn MA 100,891

- Albany NY 100,826

- Hesperia CA 100,744

- New Bedford MA 100,682

- Davenport IA 100,486

- Daly City CA 100,007

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